July 30, 2013

Myah sets the table.

Have you ever felt like time just snuck up on you and passed you right by when you least suspected it? I don't know how many others feel this way, but parenthood seems to have sent me on a patterned journey of waiting on time, and then suddenly chasing it. I had an overwhelming realization of this recently.

It seems like not long ago, my oldest daughter, Myah was a little baby safe in my arms, sheltered by the walls of my home. Very recently, though she's grown a bit, any sight or sound that had filled her eye and ear gates were first approved by one of her parents, but I'm finding now that things have changed. I knew it was coming, but it seemed like I had plenty of time.

A few weeks back, while I was busy in the kitchen, Myah sat at the desk with YouTube open on the laptop. She had somehow figured out how to search for a specific song by entering the artist's name. When I heard a song start to play, I was surprised that she had searched for and found it by herself, but what really caught my attention was the fact that I had never heard the song, or of the singer singing it! Fortunately, after investigation, I discovered that it was a Christian song by an artist named Jamie Grace, who she had learned of through her friend, Trisha, and cousin, Destiny.

The tiny incident brought some important things to my attention that I hadn't given priority earlier. Let's forget for a moment the fact that the song was Godly. With that aside, the truth is that my 7 year old daughter is now the age that she's going out and gathering information and being influenced on her own. SHE is now making the choice of whether or not something is worthy of her attention. SHE is now choosing what to put in her own eye and ear gates! As I stood washing dishes, listening to the song, the thought that Tomas and I are no longer her filter filled my mind and shook me up a little bit.

Up until now, my highest concern has been that I, as her mom, would be successful at exposing Myah to the things that pleases God and helps her in discovering His plan for her life. After all, it's my job to train her, but Myah seems to be past the first stages of training. She's now going out into the battle field with her own armor on. She doesn't fit in mine anymore! EEK!! Based on Myah's self-discovered choice of role model, Jamie Grace, I'm confident that I've done a good job so far of illustrating the kind of influence we'd approve of, but I'm realizing that it's about time I make priority in my prayer life the subject of Myah's independence and self-control; actually, it's overdue. This should have been my prayer long ago.

After 2 or 3 weeks straight of Jamie's songs on repeat, I heard on the radio of a Toby Mac/Jamie Grace concert about an hour and a half away. Tomas and I found a sitter for Natalie and Emanuel, and took the opportunity to step into Myah's world with her. I say that because if it hadn't been for Myah's interest, I wouldn't have gone. I think it's important to support and encourage our kids when they're moving in the right direction. We're all a fan of Toby Mac, but our favorite part of the concert was when Jamie took the mic and told us a little about herself and what she believed in. The 21 year old singer told us about how some people poke at her about not dating, or not having a boyfriend. She explained to the crowd that she thought dating was something people should only do with long term intentions. She entertainingly confessed her own desires to take care of a husband and to have a husband to take care of her, but that while she prayed it would be soon (before she's 25), she knows that God will do a much better job of finding her husband than she ever could. She talked about some other things too. She's really a funny girl, and fun to listen to-not only her singing, but her speaking as well. I found my heart so happy to see Myah looking up at Jamie, knowing Jamie was confirming the values that our family has instilled in her, and then knowing that Myah had developed this interest for Jamie and her music all on her own, I was reassured that I really have nothing to be concerned about. I'm so thankful, though, for the way that God brought this stage of Myah's life to my attention. I needed the reminder that prayer is a constant necessity for anyone, no matter their situation. Isn't God Good? How has he spoken to you lately?

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